How to Legally Pass a Drug Test While on Probation
I’m here to share with you some straightforward, proven methods for passing a drug test while on probation, complete with step-by-step instructions.
Additionally, I’ll provide an overview of the drug testing process during probation.
This will help you understand what to expect and how to prepare.
What to expect from a probation drug test
When you’re on probation, you may encounter three main types of drug testing:
Random Testing: As a probationer, you should be prepared for random drug testing. This means you could be called in for a test at any time, often without prior notice.
The notification for these tests can come unexpectedly, perhaps through a phone call or during a routine meeting with your probation officer.
Color Code System: Some probation departments use a color code system for drug testing.
In this system, you’re assigned a specific color and required to call in daily (or as instructed) to check if your color has been selected for testing that day.
If your color is called, you are generally expected to go for testing on the same day.
Scheduled Testing: In certain situations, particularly when probation terms are less stringent, you might have scheduled drug tests.
These are tests for which the dates are known in advance.

- Cleanses your system in just 60 minutes
- Effective for up to 5 hours
- Works for heavy users
- Undetectable by labs
- Legal
- Money-back guarantee

- Permanently removes toxins in 5 days
- For people with HEAVY TOXIN EXPOSURE
- Legal and undetectable by labs
- Money-back guarantee
When does probation drug testing start?
The initiation of drug testing during probation can vary, but it typically begins as soon as your probation terms are in effect.
Here’s a general guide on when and how drug testing might commence:
Beginning of Probation: Drug testing can start immediately once you are placed on probation, assuming it’s part of your probation conditions.
First Meeting with Probation Officer: Usually, the specifics of drug testing, including its commencement, are discussed during your first meeting with your probation officer. They will outline the testing process and inform you about the expected start date.
Random Testing: If random drug testing is included in your probation, the first test could occur anytime after your probation begins, and you might not receive advance notice.
Scheduled Testing: If your probation involves scheduled tests, these are likely to occur at regular intervals. The schedule for these tests will typically be communicated to you during initial meetings with your probation officer.
Immediate Testing: In some cases, your probation officer might request a drug test during your first meeting as a baseline assessment.
How often do probation officers conduct drug tests?
The frequency of drug testing by probation officers depends on several factors:
Type of Offense: If your offense was related to drugs, you might face more frequent testing than if your offense was not drug-related.
Probationer’s History: A history of substance abuse could lead to more regular testing.
Jurisdiction Policies: The rules for testing frequency can vary from state to state.
Probation Officer’s Discretion: Your probation officer has some leeway in deciding how often to test you, based on their assessment of your risk and adherence to probation terms.
How often does your color get called on probation?
Regarding the color code system in probation, there isn’t a universal standard on how often each color gets called.
However, a study conducted in Michigan gives some insight.
According to Finish Probation, here’s how often different colors were called over a 90-day period:
- Almond: Called on average three times a week, totaling 37 times in the last 90 days.
- Amber: Called only once in the last 90 days.
- Aqua: Called twice a week, occasionally once a week.
- Beige: Called over 54 times in the last 90 days.
- Black: Called on average once a week.
- Blue: Called once every week.
- Brown: Called at most twice every week, occasionally once a week.
- Burgundy: Called only once in the last 90 days.
- Copper: Similar to Brown, called mostly twice a week, occasionally once.
- Coral: Called on average once a week, sometimes twice.
- Fuchsia: Called on average three times a week.
- Gold: Tested once per week.
- Grape: Called twice a week, occasionally once or not at all.
- Gray: One of the most frequently called colors, six days a week.
- Green: Called four times a week.
- Indigo: Required to test two or three times a week.
- Ivory: Called in two or three times a week.
- Lavender: Called in once a week.
- Lemon: Falls in the category of being called two to three times a week.
- Lime: Called only once in the last 90 days.
- Magenta: Called once, twice, or three times a week. Most common day: Wednesday. Least common days: Sunday and Friday. No back-to-back calls.
- Mint: Called once or twice a week. Most common day: Saturday. Most common weekday: Tuesday. No calls on Sundays and only once on a Thursday. No back-to-back calls.
- Navy: Called two to three times a week. Most common days: Friday and Monday. Least common days: Tuesday and Thursday. No calls on Sundays. Called back-to-back on three occasions.
- Olive: Called six times in the last 90 days with gaps ranging from 9 to 17 days.
- Orange: Called four times in the last 90 days with gaps ranging from 19 to 35 days.
- Peach: Called twice a week on average, only on weekdays. Most common days: Friday (9 times) and Monday (7 times). Least common day: Tuesday (2 times). No back-to-back calls. Most common gap: every three days.
- Pink: Called once or twice a week, on average twice a week. Most common days: Tuesday and Saturday. Least common day: Sunday. Called back-to-back once from Monday to Tuesday.
- Plum: Called five times in the last 90 days. Most common day: Saturday. Gaps range from 11 to 20 days.
- Purple: Called six times in the last 90 days. Most common day: Tuesday (3 times). No weekend tests. Gaps range from 10 to 15 days.
- Red: Called on average three times a week. Most common days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Called on Saturday once. No other weekend calls. Gaps range from 0 to 4 days, with occasional two to three-day streaks.
- Ruby: Called two to four times a week. Most common day: Tuesday. Least common days: Sunday and Wednesday. Several back-to-back calls. Gaps range from 0 to 3 days, with one day being the most common.
- Silver: Bi-weekly testing cadence. Most common day: Tuesday. Never called on Sunday, Saturday, or Monday. Gaps range from 10 to 15 days.
- Teal: Tested one to three times a week. Most common day: Wednesday. Least common days: Tuesday and Saturday. Gaps range from 1 to 5 days, with 2 days being the most common.
- Turquoise: Called twice in the last 90 days.
- Violet: Called once in the last 90 days.
- White: Called once a week. Most common day: Wednesday. Least tested days: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Never tested on Sunday. Gaps range from 3 to 11 days.
- Yellow: Twice a week cadence. Most common day: Friday (9 out of 13 weeks). Least common day: Tuesday (2 times). No calls on Saturday or Sunday. No back-to-back testing. Testing required every 1 to 5 days, with 3-day gaps being the most common.
It’s important to remember that these results are specific to one region and may not reflect the practices in other areas.
Probation drug testing procedure
When it’s time for your drug test during probation, here’s what you can expect:
If your color is called or you’re scheduled for a test, you’ll head to the designated testing center, which might be at the probation office or a specialized drug testing facility.
Inspection process
Upon arrival, you’ll be required to empty your pockets and remove your jacket, hat, and any unnecessary clothing.
This step is essential to ensure you’re not carrying anything that could be used to tamper with the test. It’s particularly important to eliminate any possibility of hiding synthetic urine.
The collector won’t physically search you or pat you down.
Instead, they’ll visually inspect your belongings, like your wallet, to check for items that could alter your urine sample.
Common items of concern include eye drops, chapstick, or contact cases. If you bring such items, especially eye drop bottles (often used to carry synthetic urine), it might raise suspicion that you’re attempting to cheat the test.
If the collector finds any item specifically designed for cheating, they may require you to provide your urine sample under direct observation.
Next, you’ll be asked to wash your hands, ensuring that you remove anything hidden under your fingernails that could alter the urine sample.
Room setup
The testing bathroom is meticulously prepared to minimize any chances of cheating. Here’s what you might notice:
- Sink handles are often removed to prevent the use of tap water to dilute the sample.
- Toilet tanks are sealed for the same reason.
- Superfluous items like soap dispensers, hand sanitizers, and paper towels are removed.
- A blue dye is added to the toilet water to discourage its use for diluting the urine sample.
- You won’t be allowed to wash your hands in the bathroom.
- All potential hiding spots are sealed and taped off.
- The observation room is designed to be spacious, offering a sense of privacy while maintaining security.
Sample collection
In the next step, you’ll enter an enclosed area in the bathroom to provide your sample. After collecting and packaging the sample, you’ll hand it directly to the collector.
Depending on your probation terms, you might need to submit your sample under direct observation to ensure its accuracy and authenticity.
If you are not under direct observation – collector won’t watch you directly, but they’ll be nearby, often on the other side of the door.
Experienced collectors are familiar with the sounds of urination and will be listening for any anomalies that might suggest an attempt to cheat the test.
Their daily experience in this role makes them adept at identifying any irregularities.
Direct observation drug testing procedure
When it comes to direct observation drug testing, the procedure is quite specific.
The collector, who will be of the same gender as you, will first explain the process and confirm your willingness to proceed.
Once inside the testing room, you’ll be asked to lift your shirt above your navel and lower your pants and underpants to your knees.
Then, you’ll need to turn around completely. This is to ensure that you don’t have anything hidden on your body that could be used to cheat the test.
After this check, you can re-adjust your clothing to a normal position for urination.
During the test, the collector will observe the urine being transferred directly from your body into the collection cup.
Sample testing
After you provide your sample, the collector will first check its temperature and appearance.
The urine is then tested for both validity and the presence of drugs using validity strips and a panel drug test.
This might be done right there at the testing center or, in some cases, the sample may be sent off to a lab for analysis.
Waiting for results
The wait time for your test results can vary.
Typically, results from a urine drug test are available within a few business days if the sample is sent to a lab.
You might receive the results via phone call, secure email, or you could check them on a password-protected online portal.
In some instances, the results may even be mailed to you.
If the testing is done in-house at the department, results can sometimes be available in as little as one day, occasionally even on the same day.
It’s also worth noting that positive samples are often stored (frozen) for up to 90 days, allowing for the possibility of re-testing if requested.
What happens after receiving results
The next steps depend on the outcome of your test. If your test is negative, indicating no drugs were detected, your probation continues as usual.
However, if the test is positive, showing the presence of drugs, your probation officer will determine the appropriate response.
This could involve more frequent testing, a meeting with your probation officer, or other consequences based on your specific circumstances and the terms of your probation.
What does a probation drug test screen for?
When you’re on probation, the drug tests typically check for a range of substances. Here’s what they usually test for:
Marijuana (THC): The usual cutoff level is 50 ng/mL for the initial test and 15 ng/mL for confirmation.
Cocaine (COC): The initial test has a cutoff of 150 ng/mL, and the confirmation test requires 100 ng/mL.
Opiates (OPI): This includes substances like morphine, heroin, and codeine, with cutoff levels at 2000 ng/mL for both initial and confirmation testing.
Amphetamines (AMP): Covering drugs like methamphetamine and amphetamine, the initial test has a cutoff of 500 ng/mL, and the confirmation test is 250 ng/mL.
Phencyclidine (PCP): The cutoff levels for both initial and confirmation tests are 25 ng/mL.
Benzodiazepines (BZO): These tests screen for drugs like Valium and Xanax. Commonly, the initial cutoff level is around 300 ng/mL.
Barbiturates (BAR): The initial cutoff level is generally set at 300 ng/mL.
Methadone (MTD): Typically, the initial test cutoff is around 300 ng/mL.
Methaqualone (MQL): The cutoff level for this drug is usually 300 ng/mL.
Propoxyphene (PPX): This also has a cutoff level of 300 ng/mL.
Buprenorphine (BUP): The cutoff level for this substance is usually around 10 ng/mL.
Ecstasy (MDMA): This test screens for MDMA or ecstasy, with an initial cutoff level of 500 ng/mL.
Does CBD show up on a probation drug test?
CBD, or cannabidiol, itself generally doesn’t show up on a drug test.
However, many CBD products can contain trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is what most drug tests look for.
Sometimes, even products labeled as “THC-free” might contain THC.
There are instances where products marketed as 100% CBD actually contain THC, as reported by WebMD.
Since drug tests screen for THC metabolites, it’s possible for CBD products to result in a positive THC test.
Does delta 8 THC show up on a probation drug test?
Yes, Delta 8 THC can show up on a probation drug test.
Delta 8 THC is structurally similar to Delta 9 THC, the more commonly known form of THC.
It produces similar metabolites, which are what drug tests detect.
This information is for educational purposes only.
We do not advocate or suggest cheating on a drug test.
It’s important to always obey the laws and remember that complying with probation requirements is your responsibility.
How to pass a probation drug test for marijuana
Let’s discuss the methods to pass a drug test for marijuana while on probation.
Using drugs other than marijuana during probation isn’t just risky for you but also poses a risk to society.
It’s crucial not to jeopardize your future by using drugs during this period. However, the situation with marijuana is somewhat different.
Even after abstaining for months, marijuana can still test positive due to how its metabolites are stored and released in the body.
Marijuana metabolites are fat-soluble and get trapped in body fat cells, slowly releasing into the blood over time.
This means that if you last used marijuana weeks or even months ago, it could still be detected in a drug test. So, I’ll focus on recommendations for this specific scenario.
The two legal ways to pass a drug test for marijuana on probation are detoxification and cleansing.
Neither of these methods is considered cheating the drug test.
How to pass a probation drug test with permanent detoxification
Detoxification is a natural body process that removes marijuana metabolites. It’s a permanent solution that cleanses urine, blood, and saliva, but it does take time.
The process involves speeding up your metabolism, burning body fat, and preventing the reabsorption of drug metabolites.
Although it usually requires at least seven days, there are special detox products that can significantly speed up this process.
Remember, THC will still be present in your hair; removing THC from hair requires a detox shampoo.
Here’s what you need to do:
Follow a healthy diet
A healthy diet can help your body use fat for energy and release stored THC into the blood for excretion. Here are some general recommendations for a healthy diet:
- Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk, and milk products.
- Include a variety of protein foods like seafood, lean meats, poultry, eggs, legumes, soy products, nuts, and seeds.
- Reduce your intake of added sugars, sodium, saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol.
- Stick to your daily calorie needs.
For more detailed information on healthy eating, here are some useful resources:
- World Health Organization’s Healthy Diet Recommendations
- CDC’s Healthy Eating Tips
- CDC’s Guide on Healthy Drinks
- CDC’s Tips on How to Cut Calories
- Healthy Recipes from the NHLBI
Exercising is a key part of burning more calories daily.
When you burn more calories than you consume, your body starts to use stored body fat for energy.
This process helps release THC, which is stored in fat cells, into the bloodstream for eventual excretion.
To help with this, aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. This could be light exercises like jogging, running, or even a brisk walk.
Other effective exercises include swimming laps, riding a bike, playing tennis or basketball, and weightlifting.
Drink more water
Drinking enough water is crucial for several reasons.
It helps burn more calories, suppresses your appetite, and can boost your metabolism, making exercise more effective.
Generally, 1–2 liters of water per day is recommended, particularly before meals to aid with weight loss.
However, be cautious not to overdo it, as excessive water intake can lead to water toxicity, which is dangerous and can even be fatal in extreme cases.
Sleep more
Good sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy weight.
Poor sleep is linked to weight gain and a higher chance of obesity in adults and children. Enough sleep can help regulate calorie intake and appetite, which tend to increase when sleep-deprived.
Most adults need about 7–9 hours of sleep per night. Adequate sleep also supports the process of burning body fat, thereby releasing THC stored in fat cells.
Certain supplements can aid in speeding up the natural detoxification of THC:
Activated Charcoal: This supplement is known to absorb drugs in the intestines, preventing their reabsorption into the blood.
This means that THC is excreted with feces instead of re-entering the bloodstream. The recommended dose is 1200mg twice daily, taken a few hours apart from meals.
Fiber: Similar to activated charcoal, fiber helps absorb THC in the intestines, speeding up its removal. Incorporating high-fiber foods into your diet can be beneficial.
Apple Cider Vinegar: This has been shown to help burn body fat.
Daily intake of vinegar could aid in reducing body fat and preventing obesity-related diseases.
Recommended usage is 15ml twice daily with plenty of water.
St. John’s Wort: This herb induces CYP3A4 enzymes responsible for processing THC in the liver, thereby increasing the speed of THC metabolism. A typical dose is 300mg daily with food.
How to pass a probation drug test with cleansing
Cleansing, or same-day detox, is a method that works differently from detoxification.
It clears marijuana metabolites from your bladder and stops new metabolites from entering the urine, leaving it free of drug metabolites for up to five hours.
What to do:
- Four hours before the test, take 5g of activated charcoal to absorb THC in the intestines.
- Three hours before the test, mix 10 grams of creatine supplement with grapefruit juice and drink it. Creatine restores creatinine levels in urine, while grapefruit juice slows THC metabolism.
- Drink 25oz of an electrolyte drink, like Gatorade, every hour for three hours before the test.
- Two hours before the test, take a vitamin B supplement and eat a chocolate bar or sweets. Vitamin B restores urine color, and the chocolate bar stops the breakdown of body fat.
Important tips: Use creatine ethyl ester for faster results, and try this method at home first to determine the right dosage and timing for you. Use at-home urine test strips to check if your creatinine levels are normal.
For more detailed explanations and scientific backing of these methods, you can refer to my detailed guide:
Best products to pass a probation drug test
While I’ve given you a detailed guide on various methods to pass a drug test, sometimes using specially designed products for permanent detoxification or cleansing is more convenient.
These products are balanced with all the necessary ingredients to help you pass the drug test.
I’ve selected only those products that have been proven to work effectively.
Fast Marijuana Detox – Best for Cleansing, Same Day Solution
The Fast Marijuana Detox kit from GreenFleets is an excellent same-day solution.
It starts working in just 60 minutes, allowing you to pass the test shortly after use.
The effects last for up to 5 hours, giving you ample time to take your test.
This kit is undetectable by drug tests, meaning no lab can tell you’ve used it. It’s legal, not considered cheating, and works regardless of body mass and marijuana usage patterns.
The kit offers fast shipping with same-day dispatch for orders placed before 2pm and an option for overnight delivery.
It comes with easy-to-follow instructions and an in-depth Healthy Detox Guide, valued at $60, at no extra cost.
The product is available exclusively online and is priced at $59.99, with a money-back guarantee.
ToxinRid 10 Day Detox Kit – Best Permanent Detox Kit for Heavy Users
Toxin Rid 10 Day Detox Kit is ideal for heavy and regular users, offering a comprehensive program to completely remove all THC from your system.
The kit contains 150 toxin rid pills, 1 oz of dietary fiber, and 1 fluid oz of detox liquid.
The instructions are clear and straightforward, ensuring ease of use. It’s from a trusted and reputable seller, backed by numerous positive reviews.
If you need to pass a drug test, especially for something as critical as the military, this product is worth considering despite its price of $189.95.
The manufacturer guarantees effectiveness when used as directed.
Premium 7 Day Detox Kit by GreenFleets – Best Permanent Detox Kit for Light Users
GreenFleets’ Premium 7 Day Detox Kit is designed to permanently remove marijuana and other toxins. Made in the USA, it promises cleanliness in just 7 days.
This kit cleanses urine, blood, and saliva. It’s legal and undetectable by labs, ensuring safety and confidentiality.
The kit also comes with a Healthy Detox Guide & meal plan, along with detailed step-by-step instructions.
It’s available for overnight delivery and is priced at $66.98.
What happens when you fail a drug test while on Probation?
Failing a drug test during probation can lead to various outcomes, depending on the situation and your history. Here are some possible consequences for first-time violations:
- A Warning: Often, probation officers may issue a warning for a first violation. This warning is recorded in your probation file, meaning any future violations could lead to more severe consequences.
- Community Service: This involves unpaid work in your community, like cleaning up public areas. It’s a common penalty for first or second-time violations.
- Rehabilitation: If you repeatedly fail drug tests, it might be seen as a sign of a drug problem. In such cases, you might be ordered to attend a drug rehabilitation program, which could be either inpatient or outpatient.
- Counseling: Drug issues can stem from mental or emotional problems. Therefore, counseling is often recommended to address the root causes of drug use.
- Modification of Probation Conditions: A failed drug test might result in stricter probation conditions. In extreme cases, it could even lead to the revocation of your probation.
Will I go to jail for a failed drug test while on probation?
If your probation is revoked, you may have to serve any suspended sentence in county jail.
This usually happens after a probation violation hearing, where you and your legal counsel can argue against the revocation, suggest alternative penalties like rehabilitation, or contest the violation itself.
A judge might also directly impose jail time.
For example, if you fail a drug test six months into your probation, a judge might decide to sentence you to jail, regardless of the time already served on probation.
This harsher penalty is less likely for those with only one failed drug test and a relatively clean record, but the risk increases for those with a history of criminal behavior or multiple failed drug tests.
By following the detoxification steps outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of passing a drug test while on probation.
If you’re looking for product assistance, consider the Fast Marijuana Detox Kit for a same-day solution or the ToxinRid Detox kits for a more permanent detoxification.
Remember, staying clean and complying with your probation terms is key to a successful outcome.