I Tested Detoxify Mega Clean Against a Drug Test: Here’s My Review

Daniel Miller
By Daniel Miller

Ph.D Pharmacology, Drug Testing Specialist

Updated: 2025 Jan 14

Detoxify Mega Clean is a 32oz cleansing drink designed for heavy users. It is often used to try to pass a urine drug test. I decided to test whether this drink could help me pass a drug test. In this review, I will share my results and the step-by-step process with photos.

detoxify mega clean review

Detoxify Mega Clean is promoted to support urinary, circulatory, and digestive detox.

However, its primary use for drug tests is to cleanse the urine. It starts working in one hour and its effects can last up to five hours. The optimal results are typically seen 3-4 hours after the final step.

Personal use experience

detoxify mega clean summary

I am 6 feet tall and weigh 187 lbs with about 22% body fat. I consider myself physically fit.

I engage in roughly an hour of cardio training daily. I’m a regular edible consumer, typically taking less than 5mg up to five nights a week for the past 10 months.

To summarize, I’m a regular user with a good shape and fast metabolism.

I stopped taking edibles two days before this test.

Consumption process

I drank the entire bottle since it’s 32 oz. It was quite challenging. The taste isn’t the worst, but it’s far from great. It took me about 15 to 20 minutes to drink it all. My gag reflex wouldn’t let me chug it faster.

After waiting 15 minutes, I refilled the bottle and drank it again. It took another 20 minutes. In total, it took almost an hour to follow the instructions.

Initial results

I waited for an hour and urinated twice during that time. Then, I started to test myself.

Here’s the photo an hour after I finished the instructions. I tested positive, and the urine was pale. The paleness was due to the large amount of liquid I had drunk, which is normal. At this point, the urine would not pass the validity check in a real drug test because hydration also changes the creatinine level and specific gravity.


After two hours, the test started to show negative. The urine color was also slightly more yellow, which is great. That’s the vitamin B in the drink starting to add color to the urine.


Here’s the photo three hours after — the urine color is good, and I’m still testing negative.


Four hours after I finished the instructions, the urine color was still good, but I tested positive again.

So, I really think the best window for the test is 2-3 hours after finishing the drink. The Mega Clean drink worked for me.

According to the test, I recommend attempting to pass a drug test three hours after using this drink.

How does Detoxify Mega Clean work?

The purpose of taking Mega Clean Detox Drink is the mask the presence of THC toxins in your body. This way, their levels become undetectable for most standard drug testing methods, and you will be able to produce a clean sample wherever needed.

To achieve this, the product prevents toxins from being absorbed and excreted in the following ways:

Slowing the metabolism of THC in the liver – 30% of the THC toxins are metabolized in the liver, and 20% of the metabolites created in the liver are excreted through urine. By preventing its metabolism in the liver, there will be less THC excreted into the urine.

Flushing out THC from the bladder – THC is excreted through urine passed from the kidneys through the bladder, where they leave a residue. In order for THC to become undetectable in the urine, this residue needs to be flushed out.

Stopping THC absorption in the intestines – 15% of the liver metabolites are reabsorbed into the blood from the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. By stopping the pathways of resorption, you can prevent the metabolism from reentering your bloodstream and urine.

Preventing the excretion of THC into the blood from the fat cells – Up to 70% of THC toxins are stored in highly-vascularized tissues like the liver, lungs, heart, and body fat. Even everyday physical activities contribute to the breakdown of body fat and the liberation of THC toxins from it. By preventing tissue breakdown, you can avoid getting THC into your bloodstream.

Depending on the quantities of THC you have in your system, the product can flush it out as little as an hour. However, for the optimal results, the test should be taken within 2-3 hours of drinking the liquid.

At this time all the effects described above are at their maximum, and the levels of THC in your system become virtually undetectable. This lasts up to 5 hours. After that, the absorption and excretion of THC may start again, depending on how long you have abstained beforehand.

What’s included?

Apart from water, the product comes with everything else you need for a fast detox on the day you want to be the cleanest. Here is what’s included in the packaging:

  • A 1L bottle of Mega Clean Detox Drink
  • Complete instructions in English
  • 6 capsules of Detoxify PreCleanse


Detoxify Mega Clean contains various ingredients combined in a powerful formula that removes toxins from your body and maintains their values below detection in urine testing. It also incorporates plenty of vitamins and minerals necessary for replenishing the ones you lose during the intense cleansing.

Here is the list of the ingredients and what they do for the detoxification:

  • Proprietary herb blend, including Mullein Leaf, Hawthorne Berry, Fruit fiber, Devil’s Claw, and American Ginseng Root Extract – Slow the metabolism of THC in the liver
  • Diuretics, including Burdock Root, Uva Ursi, Dandelion, and Taurine- For the elimination of water that flushes out the toxins
  • Citrus pectin – Absorbs THC in the intestines and prevents its reabsorption back into the blood and urine
  • Carbohydrates – Stop the breakdown of body fat during the intense cleansing period
  • Riboflavin – Restores the natural color of the urine, so the dilution won’t be as noticeable
  • Folate, chromium, calcium, biotin, zinc, selenium, thiamine, potassium vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, manganese, and magnesium – Restore the natural specific gravity of the urine and replenish the lost nutrients from the body

How to use

Mega Clean Detox Drink is simple to use, but you will want to adhere to the instructions as much as possible.

For the best results, follow these steps:

  1. Avoid using alcohol, drugs, or non-prescription medication 24-48 hours before taking Mega Clean Detox Drink.
  2. A few hours before you want to be the cleanest, shake the bottle well, open it and drink all its contents within a few minutes.
  3. After about 15 minutes, refill the bottle with water and drink as much as possible to stay hydrated.
  4. In the next 60 minutes, urinate as frequently as possible without holding it back. The goal is to flash out the toxins quickly.
  5. Continue hydrating yourself in the hours leading up to your test, as excessive urination will leave you dehydrated.
  6. During this time, continue abstaining from drugs, alcohol, and non-subscription medications. You can consume light meals consisting of slow-releasing carbs, but nothing to high in fat or protein as these would affect liver functions.
  7. Its recommended submitting your sample for testing within the next 2-3 hours, as this is when the product is the most effective.


Is Detoxify Mega Clean permanent?

No, Detoxify Mega Clean is not permanent. It is designed to temporarily mask the presence of toxins in your body, making them undetectable for a few hours during a drug test. The effects last up to 5 hours after consumption.

Does Detoxify Mega Clean actually work?

Detoxify Mega Clean can work to temporarily reduce the detectability of toxins in a urine sample when used as directed. Its effectiveness depends on following the instructions closely and factors like body mass, metabolism, and toxin levels.

Does Detoxify Mega Clean cause diarrhea?

No, Detoxify Mega Clean does not typically cause diarrhea. However, it's best used on an empty stomach to avoid any potential gastrointestinal discomfort.

How long does Detoxify Mega Clean last?

The effects of Detoxify Mega Clean peak within 2-3 hours after consumption and can last up to 5 hours. During this period, the levels of toxins in your urine are reduced to their lowest, making it the optimal time for testing.

Does Detoxify Mega Clean actually work for weed?

Yes, Detoxify Mega Clean is formulated to help mask the presence of THC, the active compound in weed, in urine tests. It also works for other substances commonly included in a 10-panel drug test such as cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and benzodiazepines.

How does Detoxify Mega Cleanse work?

Detoxify Mega Clean works by slowing the metabolism of toxins in the liver, flushing them out from the bladder, preventing absorption in the intestines, and inhibiting the release from fat cells. This process reduces the detectability of toxins in the urine.

How do I use Detoxify Mega Clean?

To use Detoxify Mega Clean effectively: avoid alcohol, drugs, and non-prescription medication for 24-48 hours before drinking it. Shake well, drink all contents quickly, then refill the bottle with water and drink again. Urinate frequently over the next hour to flush out toxins.

Detoxify Mega Clean: How long before the test should I use it?

It's recommended to consume Detoxify Mega Clean about 2-3 hours before the drug test. This timing allows the drink to reach peak effectiveness, making it the optimal period to submit your sample for testing.