List of companies that drug test and that don’t drug test [UPDATED 2025]

Daniel Miller
By Daniel Miller

Ph.D Pharmacology, Drug Testing Specialist

Updated: 2025 Feb 11

CompanyPre-Employment Drug TestRandomRandom Drug Testing FrequencyHow long to reapply after failing a drug testDrugs Tested
24 Hour FitnessNoNo6 months
AdeccoUrineNo12 months1 yearCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, Propoxyphene, Quaaludes
AerotekUrineUrine6 months6 monthsCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, propoxyphene, Quaaludes, MDA, OXY
AlbertsonsNoUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
AldiUrineUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
AmazonSalivaSalivaOnce a month120 daysTHC, COC, OPI, AMP,MDMA
AppleUrineSalivaSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
AramarkUrineUrineOnce a year6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
AT&TUrineUrineSeldom1 yearCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, Propoxyphene, Quaaludes
AutozoneNoUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, COC, OPI, pcp, AMP, BNZ, BAR
Bank of AmericaUrineUrine9 months6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Best BuyUrineUrine12 month6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
BJsSalivaSalivaSeldom6 monthsTHC, COC, OPI, AMP,MDMA
BurlingtonUrineUrineEvery 6 months1 yearTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
CarmaxUrineUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Chick FilUrineUrineOnce a year6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Coast GuardUrineUrineOnce a year6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
ComcastUrineUrine3 months1 yearTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
CostcoSalivaUrineSeldom1 yearCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, Propoxyphene, Quaaludes
CPSUrineUrine6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Cracker BarrelNoUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
CVSUrineNo6 monthsCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, Propoxyphene, Quaaludes
DennysNoUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Dollar GeneralNoNo6 months
Dollar TreeNoUrine3 months6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
DominosUrineUrine6 months6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
EldermanNoNo6 months
EnterpriseNoNo6 months
Family DollarUrineUrineSeldom3 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
FedexUrineUrineOnce a month6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Food LionNoNo6 months
GamestopNoUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
GeicoHairNo6 monthsTHC, AMP, MDMA, MDEA, COC, OPI, PCP
GoodwillUrineUrine6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
GoogleUrineHairSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Harris TeeterSalivaSalivaTwice a year6 monthsTHC, COC, OPI, AMP,MDMA
H-E-BUrineUrine3 months6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Home DepotUrineSalivaSeldom30 daysCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, Propoxyphene, Quaaludes
IkeaSalivaNo6 monthsTHC, COC, OPI, AMP,MDMA
In N OutNoNo6 months
Jack in a BoxUrineUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
JcpennyUrineNoOnce a year6 monthsCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, Propoxyphene, Quaaludes
Jewel OscoSalivaNo6 monthsTHC, COC, OPI, AMP,MDMA
Jiffy LubeUrineHair6 months6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Jp MorganUrineUrine6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
KmartUrineUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
KohlsNoNo6 months
KrogersSalivaNoSeldom3 monthsTHC, COC, OPI, AMP,MDMA
La FitnessNoNo6 months
Labor ReadyUrineNo6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
LowesSalivaNo3 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
MarshallsNoNo6 months
MCDonaldsUrineUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
MeijerNoUrineSeldom3 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
MenardsUrineNoSedlom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Morgan StanleyUrineUrine6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
National GuardUrineUrineMonthly6 monthsTHC, COC, OPI, pcp, AMP, BNZ, BAR
NFLUrineUrineUp to two times per League year6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Office DepotUrineUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Olive GardenNoNo6 months
OReillyUrineUrine6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
PetsmartUrineUrineOnce a year6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Pizza HutUrineUrine1 month6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
PublixSalivaSaliva3 months1 yearTHC, COC, OPI, AMP,MDMA
QuickTripUrineUrine6 months6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
RalphsSalivaNoSeldom3 monthsTHC, COC, OPI, AMP,MDMA
RandstadUrineUrineSeldom6 monthsCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, Propoxyphene, Quaaludes
Red RobinNoNoSeldom6 months
RossNoUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
SafewaySalivaNoSeldom6 monthsTHC, COC, OPI, AMP,MDMA
Sams ClubUrineUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
SonicNoUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
SprintUrineUrine6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
SproutsUrineNo6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
StaffmarkUrineUrineOnce a year6 monthsCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, Propoxyphene, Quaaludes
StaplesSalivaNoSeldom6 monthsTHC, COC, OPI, AMP,MDMA
StarbucksUrineUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Stop And ShopNoNo6 months
SubwayNoUrineSeldom6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Taco BellNoNoSeldom6 months
TargetUrineNo6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Toys-r-usNoUrine6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
UltraNoUrine6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
UPSUrineNo6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
US BankNoNo6 months
VerizonNoUrineOnce a year6 monthsCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, Propoxyphene, Quaaludes
Waffle HouseUrineHair90 days1 yearTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
WalgreensUrineUrineOnce a year3 monthsCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, propoxyphene, Quaaludes, MDA, OXY
WalmartUrineUrineOnce a year6 monthsCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, propoxyphene, Quaaludes, MDA, OXY
WawaNoNo6 months
WegmansHairHair6 monthsTHC, AMP, MDMA, MDEA, COC, OPI, PCP
Wells FargoNoUrine1 yearTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
WendysUrineUrine6 monthsCOC, THC, PCP, AMP, OPI, BNZ, BAR, MTD, Propoxyphene, Quaaludes
WhataburgerNoNo6 months
Whole FoodsUrineUrine6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
WincoUrineUrine6 months6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
Winn DixieUrineUrineOnce a year1 yearTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
YMCAUrineUrineOnce a year6 monthsTHC, OPI, PCP, COC, AMP
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